About Us
Never do anything without the passion to do it well.
Trusted by the Industry for Many Years
We have been at the forefront of the sublimation coatings industry driving forward innovation for over 15 years. Our chemists produced the first stable range of aerosol sublimation coatings which were based on our Professional liquids range which is supplied to factories for large scale use.
At Subli Vista we are the manufacturer and we produce Premium DIY sublimation coatings for crafters, home projects and smaller scale business use. Alongside these products is a Professional liquid range which is used in factory settings and in large scale business projects.
Our coatings are sold throughout the world. We update the product formulation as required to keep pace with new printer technologies (most recently Epson’s new print heads), new to market ink formulations (for the new printer technology), and of course the very latest transfer papers.

New for this year is our environmental range of products.
Partner with us and you (and the Earth) will benefit from our environmentally friendly products today, and in the future.